Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Searching for Success

After struggling through last week, I'm determined to get back on track. I found some great tips that are helping, in a surprising place ... if you can believe it.

I combined info from several categories so there really is a lot of information here. I'm just trying to pick a few at a time to work on. Check it out and add any tips or insight you've got.

This post was so long I decided to move it to it's own page called "Tips." Check it out and give us some of your tips too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


As the blog author, I get an email every time someone comments on a post. I've recently discovered a feature that I think will allow me to have comments sent to other email addresses also.
If you'd like to get comments on the blog emailed to you, let me know and I'll add your address. It's kind of nice to know who's saying what, when about the different topics we're focusing on.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weigh-in Progress: Week 3

Great job this week! Especially to Greg M. with 3.3% weight loss.


I don't want to leave out the three contestants (so far) that lost over 2% each...


Kira P., Josh T. and Shelly P.


WOW! Keep it up, you're inspiring us all!  


We are still looking for about a dozen weigh-ins, so if you haven't sent yours in, please do so soon ( is the email address to send your current weight to, and please don't forget your name).  


As Dory, from Finding Nemo says, let's all "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming…"



Saturday, January 22, 2011


my scale weighs to the tenths, do you want that or do you think I should drop it, like "for real" Biggest Loser?  I think it seems petty and more letter of the law, but I am just a petty sort of person ;)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Great Job Everyone!

GREAT JOB this week everyone!


Our leaders for our first weigh-in are SHERYL H. with 3.32% and JOSH T. with 2.53%.

Wow! Great work!


We have lost 92.7 lbs. as a group so far! (And that's with 8 new contestants)

We now have 33 people playing. Awesome! 


Most of you have either paid, or let me know when I can expect your entry fee. If you haven't yet, please send me a note at


Thanks to all of you, &


Keep up the GREAT work!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Email Your Post

You can post to the home page of the blog by copying this email address and pasting it into the "To:" box on an email message.
If your post belongs on one of the other pages, I can move it. This is an easy way for you to participate in the challenge and share your stories, goals and tips.
Please continue to email your weigh-in info each week to:
Thanks and keep up the great work!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What’s Your Mix?

I like music when I workout. One thing I’ve tried is making a mix that alternates cadence so one song is good for walking and the next is better for running. This way I not only get to listen to some of my favorite tunes but it gives me a beat to keep my feet moving to (and I’m not so concerned about how much farther I have to go).

Here’s one of mine, it’s about 40 minutes total.

Warm-up: Upside Down by Jack Johnson (Curious George soundtrack) (3:28)
Walking: Viva La Vida by Coldplay (4:01)
Jogging: Amsterdam by Guster (3:37)
Walking: Hello Seattle by Owl City (2:47)
Jogging: Bulletproof by La Roux (3:25) (Turn around point)
Walking: Two at a Time by Guster (4:57)
Jogging: Walk you Home by Passenger (3:40)
Walking: Stole My Heart by Little & Ashley (3:13)
Jogging: In For The Kill by La Roux (4:08)
Walking: People Watching by Jack Johnson (Curious George soundtrack)(3:19)
Cool-off: Better Together by Jack Johnson (3:27)

What’s your mix and how do you move to it?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Here’s the Scoop

Joining: send me your first name and last initial, your starting weight and your email address. If you need to mail your entry fee, let me know that as well and I’ll send you my mailing address. You will be able to join in until Saturday the 15th of January. That's the day of our second weigh-in, the first one that will have results posted. If you can’t get the entry fee to me by then, let me know so we can make arrangements.

Weigh-ins: We need to receive your new weight by the end of the day every Saturday. You can pick which day you want to do your weigh-in as long as it’s consistent throughout the competition. I need the actual weight but your results will be posted by percentage of weight loss each week. I will however post the total pounds lost by the group weekly and cumulative.

Results & Updates: The results will posted by the end of the day the following Monday. I will be posting a few topics that you can contribute to like food & nutrition, fitness & exercise and goals & stories. Use the ‘Blog Archive’ links at the top of the page to navigate to each (this will reduce the amount of scrolling you’ll have to do). If you have (or want to get) a free blogger account (, you will be able to post on the blog. If not, you can send them to me and I can post them.

The Prize: Once everyone’s entry fee has been received, the total prize amount will be posted. The person who has the highest percentage of weight loss will win 60% of the total and the person with the next highest percentage will receive the other 40%.

Community: In order to have a community of support, I’ll ask everyone to participate as much as they can. Send me recipes, fitness tips, stories that inspire you and your own personal goals and plans. This community will not only support and encourage you but it will provide positive accountability. When you share your plans, you’re more likely to stick to them. So give us updates on how you’re doing!

Another way to hold yourself accountable in a positive way is to set goals beyond your weight loss. I know some of you are already registered for a half marathon this year. If that’s not for you, find a 5K in your area or join the pound-for-pound challenge ( You can also include family or friends, or get a workout buddy. What ever you decide to do, share it with us. Maybe some of us can join you!

Contacting me: my email address is You can also post questions right on the blog.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Challenge

The basic idea is that we will be each other’s Biggest Looser campus and community. We can’t all go to the ranch but we can provide support, motivation and positive accountability to help each other stay on track.

Each participant will be listed on the blog by first name and last initial. When you have submitted your entry fee of $10, a ‘$’ will show next to your name.

Weigh-in will be due by Saturday of each week. You can weigh in on Friday if you like, as long as it’s the same day and time of day each week. Email your weekly weight to the link on the blog. The results will be posted by percentage of weight loss no later than the following Monday.

Alexis isn’t participating and will be the one managing the results each week.

The winners will be the people with the highest percentage of weight loss for the entire challenge. In the event of a tie, the prize will be split evenly rather than 60/40.